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Adult Walker Program
GCS Open to Adult Walkers Beginning November 1

Each year, Greene Central School opens the High School/Middle School complex to adult residents who wish to walk indoors during the winter months. The program is open to all adult district residents who wish to participate. Individuals must complete an Adult Walker Agreement Form available at the District Office or by calling 656-4161, extension 247. The buildings are open for walkers from 6:15 – 7:15 a.m. and 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. each day that school is in session from November 1 through spring recess. Once registered with the District Office adult walkers will receive a badge the will allow them entry during this time.  The morning course is 4/10 of a mile and the afternoon course is 1/8 of a mile.  Walkers are asked to enter door # 5, and to wear rubber soled shoes. There is no charge to adult walkers, as no additional costs are incurred by the District to run this program. For additional information, or to obtain an Adult Walker’s Agreement, please call 656-4161 extension 247.

Walkers will use the south parking lot and south entrance – Door # 5 - NO GUESTS ARE ALLOWED!